DBK Pharma - Outsourcing & Franchising
Field trip to Italy to find out the potential of the pharmaceutical industry to serve Debeky Company to expand the field of pharmaceutical products
Trip to Italy with the owner of DBK Pharma
CORD Founder Mr. Ahmed Ragaie has a business trip to Italy accompanied by the Egyptian pharmaceutical industry leader ENG. Hamdy El Debeky the owner of DBK Pharma, Visiting the famous industrial city of Bologna city in Italy.
In order to have a comprehensive tour in factories that have great expertise & capabilities in the field of pharmaceutical products that will benefit the DBK pharma as the manufacturer for a wide range of pharmaceutical products.
This business trip resulted in establishing a company for DBK in Italy and contracting some Italian factories to manufacture some high-quality products that will give a remarkable edge to DBK company to penetrate the Egyptian market with high-quality new product and with the price that can compete easily with any other manufacturers. you can Watch video