Celebrating The birthday of Ahmed Ragaie- Founder/CEO and Other Members.
We spent an unforgettable time at a birthday party
Halloween is one of the most global popular holidays of the year. But if it's the first time for you to celebrate it with your work team, we can give you an inside look into how Cord Digital celebrates 'All Hallows' Eve'.
In this news article, we're going to show you a few specific information about this phenomenal Halloween ceremony that takes place inside Cord Digital’s Mohandeseen location.
Actually, the days leading up to Halloween, in particular, is a great time to encourage employees to channel their creativity into something fun and unexpected.
Cord Digital, Cairo-based digital marketing and advertising agency, holds a whole host of some of Halloween activities, including a jack-o-lantern carving contest, a costume fashion show, and competition, and a Halloween trivia contest. There is also office trick-or-treating and each department offers up special treats. The day ends with pizza and soft drinks.
The whole staff of Cord Digital Company are big fans of Halloween, with a full complement of events leading up to the day, including decorating the office, a pumpkin carving contest and a party. Employees frequently build their costumes and begin planning a few months ahead.
"I think it represents the global culture we're trying to build here," says CEO, Mr. Ahmed Ragaie, who adds that the holiday traditions are a major part of establishing "a general feeling of gratitude and appreciation for each other".
"A departure from the routine is always fun for us, so much so that we have a special employee committee dedicated to planning something to honor each holiday and to plan special events," explains Hala, Head of human resources. "We love to laugh and joke around with one another. As we've grown from a very small startup to a professional Egyptian firm, it's important that we uphold these traditions and maintain a bit of what makes us special.
"It's a great chance to play during work hours, do something together that's not strictly work-related and be creative in a tactile, non-digital way," says Head of SEO " Abdel Hamied ".
Special Thanks to The Head of Art and the company partner, Mrs. May Salah who is always looking for ways to create the best working environment and to organize the greatest events.