Moon - Google Ads
The best results achieved of Google Display Campaign for Moon application, which made by Cord Digital, the best advertising marketing company in Egypt
The website and application is an interactive educational platform that represents the modern alternative to the traditional systems used in studying, reviewing, exercises, cumulative tests, and comprehensive exams. The application contains the latest technologies and smart applications available globally in the field of education, in addition to a set of technologies specially developed to suit the educational content provided in Egypt and the Arab world, to provide an innovative and interesting educational environment suitable for the orientations and tendencies of the new generation, an educational environment that guarantees them complete safety and superior quality, It saves them a lot of expenses and helps them keep times, succeed, excel and get the highest grades.
Our successful journey with Testat App started in September 2022, through a lot of studies and research to prepare the launching of the fresh brand to the Egyptian market, knowing that the benchmark was full of great competitors and well-known brands in the same field, but Cord Digital research team was ready to go above the standard expectations of all the indicated KPIs, which is considered the seed of a great success story, and the early harvest of the assigned ROI.