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YouTube becomes Number 1 App by Consumer Spend
Cord Digital best advertising agency in Egypt provides the latest news of digital marketing about YouTube became number one app in terms of consumer spend
Earning money from videos is available now to Pages that met a certain set of criteria.
New updates for Eligibility:
Pages will be able to gain profit through ads in the videos after updates to Facebook’s eligibility criteria.
Facebook is updating some requirements now like: In-stream, Live, and Gaming.
When you’re watching a video, you’ll find ads either before or during a video which is called “in-Stream”.
Facebook Pages must have these upcoming points to run in-stream ads:
- 600,000 total minutes viewed from video uploads, live streams, recordings of live streams in the last 60 days.
- Pages must contain 5 or more active video uploads and should follow Monetization Policies.
Before, we found that eligibility requirements are available only for regular video uploads over three minutes but now it’s available for short video uploads, live streams, and recordings of live video.
In-Stream ads started to be available to pages with at least 10,000 followers but it’s not available to personal profiles.
Pages can now earn money from one-minute videos, which gives you the option to play a 30-second ad, but previously only 3-minute videos could be monetized.
Videos exceeding 3 minutes express mid-roll ads, which begins while the video is playing instead of starting before the video.
Mid-roll ads can now be shown after 45 seconds into the video, which shows an update from the previous checkpoint.
To monetize live streams you should follow Facebook eligibility requirements for Pages and the 60,000 live minutes viewed in the last 60 days.
With that in mind, Facebook declares that watch time for recordings of live streams won’t count toward meeting these eligibility criteria.
If your Page has the ability to run ads in live streams, you’ll be able to earn money through “Stars”.
“Stars” is a form of digital currency users buy with real money and send to creators as a reward for their content. Creators will then earn money from the Stars they receive during a stream.
Facebook provides eligibility for Stars to 15 more countries and testing the ability for creators to earn Stars from non-live videos will start over the upcoming weeks.
Content creators can check whether their Pages are fit for any of these monetization programs in Creator Studio, they can go through the programs in Creator Studio too.
Facebook will review all applications and start accepting more Pages gradually, but it should meet its new criteria.
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You can also read Facebook Analytics is going to close on June 30
Source Search Engine Journal